Roatán Shark Dive
Enjoy one of the most beautiful dives in the Caribbean
The Roatán Shark Dive is recognized as one of the best dives in the Caribbean. Since it was first established in 1999 thousands of divers have enjoyed it.
The highlight are the sharks, but there is also an abundance of sea life like snappers, lobsters, schools of jacks, green moray eels, angel fish and different kinds of big friendly groupers plus an amazing reef make this spectacular dive a must do during your Roatán diving vacation. Cara Cara, is the name of the dive site, in Spanish for Face to Face is located on the south side of the island 2 miles south of the renowned Cordelia Banks.
An experienced team will give you a very detailed briefing before the dive and two dive masters will accompany you during this wonderful experience.
The Dive - $120
Once on the dive site a floating current line from the surface is attached to the mooring rope to lead you to the bottom at 70 ft (21 m). Here you will stay in a sandy area, with a big coral rock behind your back, enjoying the sharks swimming in front of you.

If the current is not too strong the dive masters will take you for a swim with the sharks around the wonderful reef covered by giant barrel sponges, and different kinds of soft corals while big groupers follow you around. After the swim you will go back to the sandy area to watch the feeding. Once the feeding is over you can look for teeth left from the sharks on the bottom floor and finally you will head back to the surface and the boat after a safety stop at 9 ft (3 m).
Roatán Shark Dive
Enjoy one of the most beautiful dives in the Caribbean
The Roatán Shark Dive is recognized as one of the best dives in the Caribbean. Since it was first established in 1999 thousands of divers have enjoyed it. The highlight are the sharks, but there is also an abundance of sea life like snappers, lobsters, schools of jacks, green moray eels, angel fish and different kinds of big friendly groupers plus an amazing reef make this spectacular dive a must do during your Roatán diving vacation. Cara Cara, is the name of the dive site, in Spanish for Face to Face is located on the south side of the island 2 miles south of the renowned Cordelia Banks.
An experienced team will give you a very detailed briefing before the dive and two dive masters will accompany you during this wonderful experience.
The Dive - $120
Once on the dive site a floating current line from the surface is attached to the mooring rope to lead you to the bottom at 70 ft (21 m). Here you will stay in a sandy area, with a big coral rock behind your back, enjoying the sharks swimming in front of you. If the current is not too strong the dive masters will take you for a swim with the sharks around the wonderful reef covered by giant barrel sponges, and different kinds of soft corals while big groupers follow you around. After the swim you will go back to the sandy area to watch the feeding. Once the feeding is over you can look for teeth left from the sharks on the bottom floor and finally you will head back to the surface and the boat after a safety stop at 9 ft (3 m).
2 Tank Dive: Shark Dive and Mary's Place - $160
Another iconic dive on the southern side of Roatán is Mary's Place. A spectacular dive site that offers both sea life encounters and striking underwater scenery. Big cracks in the reef, formed probably by volcanic activity, go deep 100 feet creating an amazing low light atmosphere and narrow passage that makes the dive very interesting and unique. Read more about Mary's Place on our DIVE SITE PAGE.
2 Tank Dive: Shark Dive and Mary's Place - $160
Another iconic dive on the southern side of Roatán is Mary's Place. A spectacular dive site that offers both sea life encounters and striking underwater scenery. Big cracks in the reef, formed probably by volcanic activity, go deep 100 feet creating an amazing low light atmosphere and narrow passage that makes the dive very interesting and unique. Read more about Mary's Place on our DIVE SITE PAGE.

The Shark
During this dive you will see mostly Caribbean reef sharks ( Carcharhinus perezi ), they are all female. This kind of shark lives on the reef in large schools of females, males only show up occasionally and they are much smaller. Average size is 7 ft (2 m) but they can potentially reach almost 10 ft (3 m).
Keep reading more about Caribbean reef shark on our BLOG

Shark feeding
Roatán Shark Dive is the only diving operation allowed by the Roatán Marine Park to use bait during the dive. They never had a single accident related to sharks and sharks have never shown any sign of aggression towards divers in over 20 years of diving with them.